Bless my heart, that I may prayerfully carry the Bread of Life to those in need. May my attitude, my reverence and my concern for others be of Your divine heart. I ask this in the name of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who lives with You and the Holy Spirit now and ever. Amen.
Our sick and homebound parishioners are important. At Saint Thomas the Apostle Catholic Church, Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion to the Sick & Homebound are trained as pastoral visitors, including offering Eucharist when desired and requested by homebound parishioners, or those in nursing homes or hospitals. Saint Thomas the Apostle is grateful for the Homebound Ministers who bring Holy Communion to the Homebound.
Are you unable to attend Mass? Do you know someone who is homebound and wishes to receive the Eucharist? If you, a loved one, or another parishioner you know are unable to celebrate Mass with the parish community, a homebound minister can bring communion to your home, typically on a weekly basis.